Class Rooms

The college classrooms are spacious, well ventilated and illuminated making the teaching-learning process a leasant experience. Each classroom is equipped with modern audio visual teaching aids to facilitate the delivery of lectures and also conduct of student seminars.


Pharmaceutics is a branch of pharmacy field that carries the impression of pharmacy profession. In general it encompasses the areas that involve designing, formulation and presenting a therapeutically useful chemical entity in a most appropriate drug delivery system such as tablets, capsules, syrups, etc. The comprehensive study of this subject necessitates integration of physical, chemical and biological principles, as applicable to all the components of drug delivery systems.

In the present scenario, the discovery of various drug entities has enabled the development of new drug delivery system, advanced production processes and the latest machinery for manufacture of superior quality products.

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal chemistry is an interdisciplinary science, which has seen enormous growth in the past decade. It involves on one hand; isolation, characterization, and synthesis of compounds that can be used in medicine for the treatment and cure of diseases, on the other hand it establish a link between chemical structure and biological activity. With the aim to expose and elaborate such fundamentals in a systematic manner undergraduate chemistry department is designed which is comprised of four labs devoted to medicinal chemistry, Analytical chemistry,

Organic chemistry, Biochemistry and inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry. Each laboratory is equipped with latest instruments to give hands on experience to the students.


Pharmacology, an advancing branch of pharmacy is defined as science of drugs. It includes knowledge about sources of drugs, their ADME, mode of action and their toxicity.

Anatomy is very important branch which are co-related with pharmacology, which includes various human body system in theory and study of composition of blood and characterization of blood and its components in practical.

The Pharmacology Department is well equipped at par with other six departments and has proved to be an asset to this institute. In addition, there is a separate store cum preparation room aiding the routine practical work.


Pharmacognosy is an Applied Branch of science, which deals with the detail study of Crude drugs obtained from Natural Origin like Plants, Animals & Minerals. It is totally designed according to the practical being conducted.

Dept. of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry aims at improving the basic concepts like identification & characterization of plants of various families. Various method to evaluate crude drug like macroscopically, microscopically, physical, chemical, & biological method have been studied under B Pharm graduation.


The library has a very good collection of books, periodicals and journals related to pharmacy and allied sciences. It has two sections that is reference and issue section. At present library has 1790 books worth Rs.807709 which includes valuable titles from the various subjects like Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Medicinal chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry (Inorganic & Organic), Biochemistry, Bio-Technology, Microbiology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Pathology, Anatomy & Physiology, Physical Pharmacy, Engineering, Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Arithmetic, Computer.

Along with traditional subjects like Cosmetics etc. from well known Indian as well as foreign publishers. Some of the important Journals received are Journal of Indian Drugs, Indian Journal of Medical Research, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indian Journal of Hetero-Cyclic Chemistry, Fitoterapia and Indian Journal of Chemistry.

 Library Services

In order to satisfy the user needs the library provides the following services.

Computerized Library : The library has One computer with include Special Library software (library management). It provides OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue) to serve the patrons effectively.
Subject CD Service : The library has 244 CDs of Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Human Anatomy, Essentials of Physical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy Calculations, Computer Fundamentals and the Merck Index it is for use within the library only
Reference Services : This section is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It has a copy of all the materials procured by the library and it is for use within the library only.
Borrowing Service : This section has a collection of all the textbooks and other important reference materials. They are issued out of the library for a period of Six days. Students issue only 3 books and submitted within a week, If not, a fine of Rs.10 per book per hour will be collected.
Overnight Borrowing : The collection of the reference section is for use within the library only. But even they are issued out everyday half an hour before closing i.e. at 5.30 p.m. They should be returned the immediate next day before 9 a.m. If not, a fine of Rs.10 per book per hour will be collected..
Reprographic Service : Photocopying services (xerox) are provided on payment of Rs 1 per page.
Paper File Service : This Section has a collection of previous year annual question papers are for use within the library only.

Computer Laboratory

Pharmaceutics is a branch of pharmacy field that carries the impression of pharmacy profession. In general it encompasses the areas that involve designing, formulation and presenting a therapeutically useful chemical entity in a most appropriate drug delivery system such as tablets, capsules, syrups, etc. The comprehensive study of this subject necessitates integration of physical, chemical and biological principles, as applicable to all the components of drug delivery systems.

Pharmacy Museum

Work under construction
This College designing aesthetic and informative pharmacy museum as a teaching aid. The museum is divided in two sections : one pertaining to history of pharmacy and designing of dispensing medication while the other section, devoted to current trends in scope of pharmaceutical sciences.

Tutorial Room

The college auditorium is a central facility where seminars, guest lectures, alumni meets and other events are organized. The tutorial room is equipped with audio-visual aids and has state-of-the-art acoustics.

LCD & OHP projector connected in the tutorial room, strength of students in tutorial room is near at about 30 students at one time.

Common Rooms

The College provides separate Common Rooms for boys and girls for their relaxation and informal discussions. The common rooms are furnished with locker facility with good seating arrangement.

Girl’s Hostel